Grunts from the Wordgrump (8)
•A lot of broadcast TV doesn’t require audio. Just put it on mute and watch the cleavage
•Have we ever considered that when someone or something makes us feel stupid, maybe we are?
•Is a little shit worse than a big one?
•If you feel “young” yet are in fact as old as you look, you simply need a more thorough medical examination. Age is not “only a number.” It’s a measure of the accumulating maladies of mortality that will kill you eventually. Everyone dies of something.
•There is a circle of people you are connected to by blood and a circle of others you are connected to by choice. You are sure to find that both groups will include those who are lazy, inept, and venal.
•Your employer is not your family, friend or enemy. The company or institution has a mercantile interest in your expertise. You have a remunerative need. The relationship is symbiotic. Always prepare to be laid off or terminated. Always be ready to fire a bad boss and hire a good one. You can relax when you retire or are rich. Both is better.